Ana & Priam

Detaje dasme, sugjerime dhuratash, pika turistike perreth, mjete transporti dhe pergjigje automatike e ftesave te dasmes.

27 May 2023

Rezervoni Daten

Nusja dhe Dhendri

Ana Hoxha

Ana, is a funny, ambitious, easy to talk to girl who loves swimming and singing. She loves animals, especially dogs. Traveling is her biggest joy, visiting new places, trying new tastes and creating memories. One of the people she enjoys traveling a lot is Priam.

Eduard Shehu

Priam is a cat lover, he is always prepared and planned for the next hours of the day. He likes to travel and learn more about new places cultures and traditions. 
He loves skiing and water sports. His greatest passion is driving. 

Momentet me te bukura

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


te bukura...

Historia jone e dashurise

Udhetimi jone i bukur i dashurise filloi ne nje takim te rastesishem ne nje darke pune



Ana sapo kishte filluar pune tek kompania ku punonte Priam. Ne nje darke te kompanise, bashkepunonjesit e prezantojne me Priam. Ata filluan te bisedonin pa e kuptuar si kalonte koha


Rame ne dashuri

Bisedat e fillimit treguan qene kishim shume te perbashketa. Duhej vetem nje muaj per te ndjere magjine e dashurise se madhe qe po rritej mes nesh


Ai propozoi

Ne pervjetorin epare te lidhjes Priam u ul ne gjunje dhe propozoi ne nje darke romanike

Do te merrni pjese?

Ju lutem pltesoni informacionin tuaj personal, numrin e te ftuarve qe do te marrin pjese.

Le te festojme dashurine tone

27 MAY 2023


E Shtune, 27 May, 2023

Orthodox Church ‘Ungjillëzimi’,

Tirana, Albania


E Shtune, 27 May, 2023

MAK hotel

Tirana, Albania


Ju mirepresim!